Foster your child’s love of books, learning, and the library with stories, songs, and activities for children (ages 3-5) and their grownups. Siblings are always welcome.
Please review new Meeting Room Use Policy prior to submitting a reservation request.
Join the Wednesday Morning Book Group in discussing a diverse selection of fiction and nonfiction. Reap the benefits of others' insights and experiences as they apply to the stories.
The Ride of Her Life (2021) by Elizabeth Letts.
Book club meeting
play and learn ukuleles
Charitable Fund meeting
Spanish group
Design and build cool creations with other LEGO lovin' kids at the library! Each month will feature a design challenge, but participants are always welcome to create their own original masterpieces. For children, ages 7-12.
Men's Support Circle meeting
GCU College Info Night
Monthly meeting of the Prescott Photography Group. Meeting to show/share images taken over the previous month, and images related to the monthly assignment. Occasionally we have guest speakers who talk on photography related subjects.