Foster your child’s love of books, learning, and the library with 30 minutes of stories, songs, and activities for children, ages 3-5, and their grownups. Siblings are always welcome.
Join the Wednesday Morning Book Group in discussing a diverse selection of fiction and nonfiction. Reap the benefits of others' insights and experiences as they apply to the stories.
Exiles (2023) by Jane Harper.
Book club meeting
Ukuladies group gathering to play ukulele
Toastmasters meeting
Charitable Fund meeting
Spanish group
This workshop is geared towards Preschool teachers and those with young ones at home. Participants will learn about Scarborough’s Rope with a focus on the Literacy Knowledge Strand.
Design and build cool creations with other LEGO lovin' kids at the library! Each month will feature a design challenge, but participants are always welcome to create their own original masterpieces. For children, ages 7-12.
Prescott Area Boardgamers meeting
Men's Support Circle meeting